The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54398   Message #842708
Posted By: Burke
06-Dec-02 - 07:55 PM
Thread Name: Amazing Grace: radio discussion online
Subject: RE: Amazing Grace: radio discussion online
Becky, thanks for the pointer. I just finished listening & it was quite interesting.

I remember the first time I heard that 'turned around in the middle of the ocean' story. It was at the Old Songs Festival. I sat there telling the person next to me that it was a bunch of bunk. Her response was that it made a good story.

I agree with Turner that the truth is better & much more realistic. Parts of conversion can be sudden & radical, but other parts of the real conversion of life come gradually over time. I realize that Newton & I may have much in common.

Masato, if you tell me that you don't have the Columbian Harmony version, I think I'll scream!