The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54450   Message #843344
Posted By: Haruo
07-Dec-02 - 11:39 PM
Thread Name: What is a 'brae'
Subject: RE: What is a 'brae'
One little quibble about the Glossary (which is generally great): since it was (apparently) compiled by computer without human intervention, it alphabetizes all words beginning with an apostrophe before the letter a. Now I don't know how they do these things in Scotland, but in Seattle when we want to look up "'Twas" we look between tuppence and twerp, not before aardvark.

But correcting that little glitch efficiently and cost-effectively may not be a possibility. The index in the Esperanto hymnal Adoru is the same way (and it's a much bigger problem there), involving the alphabetical order of commas, apostrophes, hyphens, ....
