The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54450   Message #844336
Posted By: Boab
10-Dec-02 - 01:40 AM
Thread Name: What is a 'brae'
Subject: RE: What is a 'brae'
Gin ye're stannin i' the biel o' a knowe, an' rinnin yer e'en frae the laight a' the wey tae the hiegh, ye're rinnin yer e'en up a brae [or doon a brae if ye stert frae the hiegh---och...this is waur nor yon auld yin aboot "mud" ; glaur, glauber or drookit stoor.] Aye---a merry CHRISTMAS, an' a guid New Year tae yez a'. I'll be in the Auld Country by Thursday. All the best!