The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54536   Message #844501
Posted By: MMario
10-Dec-02 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: Greetings to 'Lurkers'
Subject: Greetings to 'Lurkers'
Something that happened to me over the weekend made me realize that the MudCat extends far beyond just those people who post here - beyond even those who drop in and ask for lyrics etc.

Some people just read...

Saturday night I spent several wonderful hours in a round robin sing - a wide variety of songs - marvelous voices. At least two of the participants admitted they read the mudcat; but they don't post.

As Max would say;




and now - KNOWING you guys are out lurking - and that you have valuable contributions to make.

Please! Post! Discuss! Join Paltalk! Come to the chatroom!