The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54426 Message #845383
Posted By: pattyClink
11-Dec-02 - 02:42 PM
Thread Name: Howzabout folk music on the radio?
Subject: RE: Howzabout folk music on the radio?
Wonder if there is any way to create a real 'top __' list that would actually promote airplay of new folk recordings? Seems like in the Internet Age there should finally be a way to bypass the Major Labels and let people pool their enthusiasm and info about what's new and much liked by audiences and being bought and downloaded. You could have some input from the folk-show djs, but more importantly from the people who are selling CDs.
I realize there are good playlists out there on public broadcasting, and on a college, local-market or 'this dj loves this' basis, but I don't think such individualized stuff has been enough to overcome the inertia out there in radioland. Gotta be a way to link it all.