The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54575   Message #846354
Posted By: Malachy
12-Dec-02 - 08:36 PM
Thread Name: Embarrasing moments on stage?
Subject: RE: Embarrasing moments on stage?
Well it wasn't my embarrassing moment exactly, but I used to play in a country band. The lead singer really fancied herself. Anyway she learned this new song called '18 Wheels and a Dozen Roses'. She used to start the second verse off with the words 'The vile winds of Bago' which I noticed used to produce smiles from the audience.I got hold of the Kathy Mattea version to discover that the words were 'They'll buy a Winabego'. I laughed..but I never told her!!
I should have..she was a good sport. The 2 of us got pissed at a temperance gig. Fed up with being offered cups of tea, we escaped to the pub during the break, robbed some glasses, went to an off licence, got some beer and vodka. Came back with our spoils, only to be confronted by the priest, who was running things. 'Have the decency to drink it from a tea cup ' he said. Now that was embarrassing!!