The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54640   Message #847043
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
13-Dec-02 - 08:22 PM
Thread Name: Review: The Kingston sessoin 9in hull) tonight0
Subject: Review: The Kingston sessoin 9in hull) tonight0
hEloo, I went to The Jingotston tonight , fir the first toime , in a long time, and i habe to tell yoyu it was r REALLY nice, there wasabooot 30 miusicans there and me as well, anf Grayums birthdat 9Happpt Birhysdat grayhum), annndloaaagdrs of singinf and miusic playimgg, it was really nise, and well dune to LEs and MAgggy and eberybidy alse what was there, it was really nice, and there wwsass some christmusx food as wellm, like minbce pieis and things like that, and lots og signinibng, ans aboot 10 mudcat peoeple there, and if any one getd a chance to goi they should go.john