The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54663   Message #847492
Posted By: GUEST,Q
14-Dec-02 - 06:24 PM
Thread Name: Origins: The Bows of London
Subject: RE: Origins: Whence 'The Bows of London'?
Not a murder ballad, but a nasty mistress mistreating an apprentice within sound of Bow Bells, and blackmail resulting. "The Crafty London 'Prentice, or Bow Bells." Johnson Ballad 780, ca 1819-1844, Bodelian Library. Also Douce Ballads 3(14b), "The Crafty London Apprentice, or Bow Bells," ca. 1736-1763. Also other copies. Search- Crafty London prentice. Bodleian Library