The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54614   Message #847511
Posted By: GUEST,daylia
14-Dec-02 - 07:14 PM
Thread Name: Music and the Brain
Subject: RE: Music and the Brain
Re GUEST above

"It isn't the musicians who are the smartest, but the listeners who are smart enough to use music as a background for other brain-intensive endevours."

At the risk of belabouring the issue, I'd like to point out that the subjects of the study at McGill included GRADUATE STUDENTS PERFORMING NEUROSURGERY. Now, THAT'S a 'brain-intensive endevour', GUEST!
Yet the music students who were playing music and reading music simultaneously were discovered to have more parts of their brain active than even the brain surgeons performing surgery!

Just had to make that clear. I didn't do justice to that study the first time I tried to describe it, and it's been 'driving me APE' all day. (scratch).