The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54651   Message #847599
Posted By: Richie
14-Dec-02 - 11:27 PM
Thread Name: Are rhymes necessary?
Subject: RE: Are rhymes necessary?
I don't think rhymes are necessary, but I teach my songwriting students to rhyme in a variety of ways both in the internal line and the 1=3, 2=4 as well as the 1=2, 3=4 types of ending rhymes.

The important thing is conveying a message. This is a good song writing trick- try using rhyme and then not using it for one line. It really makes that line stand out!

I don't think rhymes and form are the same although rhyme can be a part of form.

One of the most important but sometimes overlooked songwriting skills is cadence.

Most of the songs I write have some rhyme but I try not to overdo it. It's harder to use a subtle rhyme scheme.

The cat was black,
She had no home;
Across the neighboring field she'd roam,
In search of food,
And easy prey,
I didn't know she was here to stay.
