The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54659   Message #847745
Posted By: *#1 PEASANT*
15-Dec-02 - 09:31 AM
Thread Name: Wassail Songs
Subject: RE: Wassail Songs
A great topic for this morning!
Last night we held our anual credit card wassail. Shopping is over, credit cards worn out time for the real christmas to begin. We will also do it for the traditional celebration but I like a bit of wassail to kick off the real season....

Here you will find our grand collection of wassail songs and tunes:

You will also find a link to our new wassail hymnal/handbook
Do the Wassail

If you dont get access because page is too popular you can go here:
a mirror.


Who once again set the fire department packing once they saw the huge wassail pot over the bonfire in the pit. Its for cooking you see....
Knowing that some neighbor was hostile I got out the trumpet and seranaded with "rough music" wassail throughout the rest of the night.