The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11352   Message #84797
Posted By: Big Mick
07-Jun-99 - 10:44 PM
Thread Name: Historical gay/lesbian/bisexual songs?
Subject: RE: Historical gay/lesbian/bisexual songs?
Shambles (and all)

This will be my last post on the issue of how I take things, however I will remain a part of the discussion of this important subject and its musical statements. Shambles, you continue to put forth the same idea a lot of different ways, and when people don't agree with you exactly you try to dress it different. Now I will try a last time to point out where the rub comes. First off, I never accused you of being anything close to a homophobe. In fact, the following statement was one of the first things I made in my post:

I am not bothered by Shambles acceptance of person's sexual orientation, I accept him at his word that he does not make his decisions about people on that basis. If you find that to be an some sort of veiled denigration of you, then you have a conspiratorial bent that I canna do anything about.

As far as my "taking things personally" I would regard the following comment as condescending at the least, and at its worst an attempt to belittle my method of speaking out as lacking in depth, as if yours was the great truth and the rest of us "just don't get it" It is the same tactic I have seen used by those in power against those that struggle for positive change/intellectual growth for my whole career. Read your comment again, here it is:

Or is it one where you continue to be recognised as a special case, have Mick sing songs for you and wine, dine and dance surrounded only by other gay people?

You see Shambles, it is easy, and the tactic of the demagogue, to say we are all equal, because I don't "see people" in any way as other people. Say what you want,but it just ain't so. The cases of ongoing racism, sexism, and homophobia in the larger population prove this. And laws that prohibit discrimination against people on the basis of sexual orientation, don't give special status to gays. That is unless it is your intent to discriminate against these people. It simply holds the bigot legally liable for their actions.

Don M.I thought your comments were easily understood and right on the mark.

All the best,
Big Mick