The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54615 Message #847993
Posted By: GUEST,ballpienhammer
15-Dec-02 - 07:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: No Smoking-2years on
Subject: RE: No Smoking-2years on
Quit June 4, 1998. Have touched none since. Funnily enough, 1999 I was diagnosed with Asthma. Strange, perhaps the tars and nicotine kept it at bay for 25 years? Any way I haven't gained much weight, food tastes better and the s.o. is much happier. I don't miss it at all. Daylia, just pu'em down and walk away from the crutch! YOU CAN DO IT! DO NOT question yourself as the IF you can quit. You will make yourself neurotic! Just stop. your friend bph