The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11352   Message #84807
Posted By: Rosebrook
07-Jun-99 - 11:26 PM
Thread Name: Historical gay/lesbian/bisexual songs?
Subject: RE: Historical gay/lesbian/bisexual songs?
This thread has been an unusual experience for me - first of all, that I contributed in the musical discussion! Although I have been a regular visitor here since 9/97, I don't have much expertise to add to a musical conversation. Secondly, that I contributed more than one time! But also that I felt comfortable and welcome to share personal information about myself. Historically, Mudcat has been that kind of place to me.

Bulldog, you said you are against "special rights" for gays and cited the penalties for hate crimes as exceeding those of other violent crimes. You also asked why this was the case.

I, too, am against special rights for any certain group of people. However, I don't see sentencing guidelines for hate crimes as a special right.

When a person commits a violent act against another person, it's a horrific offense against that individual. When a person commits a violent act against another individual based on her/his actual or perceived sexual orientation, it is more than a horrific act against that victimized individual. It is a message to *every* gay person that they could be the next target. It is a horrific act against a group of people, because the targeted person could be any person in that group! A hate crime is not only an individual criminal transgression, it is a crime with the purpose of instilling fear into many. What makes my partner and myself any different than the two women who were murdered less than 100 miles from my town? It could have been us. A crime against someone *because* of their race, orientation, nation of origin, etc. is a crime against every member of that nationality, or race, or orientation.

Regarding your recommendation to change the word spousal to beneficiary, I agree with the spirit of what you are saying.

Regarding your comment "The best of them never made me uncomfortable with their preferences; many of them you just wouldnt know for sure. Back to the closet and live in peace say I." This is a real "shut up" message and I take offense with this. As I stated earlier, the Mudcat is one community in which I have felt welcome to be myself. You may feel more comfortable with the silence of an entire group of people. For those people, closets are not comfortable places to be.
