The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54699   Message #848111
Posted By: Haruo
16-Dec-02 - 01:46 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: In Bethlem Town
Subject: Lyr Add: In Bethlem Town
I know I've mentioned and cited and linked to my 1997 Christmas/Innocents carol, In Bethlem Town in the Mudcat before, but I guess I never posted the lyrics. So here goes:

In Bethlem Town

Lyrics: © Leland Bryant Ross, 1997

Tune: The Pesky Sarpent
          (I think this is the "Springfield Mountain" tune of the well-known humorous version, in the DT)

  1. In Bethlem town the Christ was born.
    They laid him down that starlit mor-ee-orn
    Amidst the corn, in swaddling gown
    Unbleached and worn, with hay his crown.
    Too-loo-ree-loo, too-loo-ree-lay,
    Too-loo-ree-loo: 'twas Christmas Day.
  2. On hills nearby, poor shepherds graze
    Their flocks. The sky explodes in prai-ee-aise,
    With angels' lays to God on high:
    "Fear not, this day salvation's nigh!
    Too-loo-ree-loo, too-loo-ree-lirth,
    Good will to you, and peace on earth!"
  3. The shepherds then of one accord
    To Bethlem ran to greet the Lor-ee-ord.
    They found him sleeping in a trough,
    Convolved in cheap, unwhitened cloth.
    Too-loo-ree-laid, too-loo-ree-lotched,
    They knelt and prayed as Mary watched.
  4. From Persia far, wise Parsees came,
    Led by his star, to praise his name-ee-ame.
    They brought presents of gold and myrrh
    And frankincense--and beaver fur,
    Too-loo-ree-lurr, too-loo-ree-lee,
    Then went home sur-reptitiously.
  5. King Herod had bequestioned them,
    With motive bad, about Bethlem-ee-em.
    The crafty sages Herod left
    In royal rage, of facts bereft--
    Too-loo-ree-lilled, too-loo-ree-lents,
    So Herod killed the Innocents.
  6. God said to Joseph and his wife:
    To Egypt go, to save your li-ee-ife.
    Thine ancient namesake as a slave
    To Egypt came your folk to save.
    Too-loo-ree-lask, too-loo-ree-lun,
    A sim'lar task awaits your son.
  7. Good people all, consider ye,
    Whom God hath called to liberty-I-ee--
    Consider well the awful cost
    The Scriptures tell in children lost;
    Too-loo-ree-low, too-loo-ree-laid,
    Consider now the ransoms paid.
  8. God's peace to you; now merry be,
    For 'tis all true, of verity-I-ee.
    The baby born, ye know it well,
    That holy morn, hath vanquished Hell,
    Too-loo-ree-loss, too-loo-ree-lee,
    Upon the cross, and we are free!
The Feast Day of the Holy Innocents in the Western church calendar (not sure about the Eastern) is celebrated on Dec. 28, honoring the babies and toddlers of Bethlehem whom, according to Matthew's gospel, King Herod slaughtered in an attempt to kill Jesus.

The reference to beaver fur, in v. 4, is an allusion to Jesse Edgar Middleton's English version of the Huron Carol (Estennialon de tsonoue, Jesous Ahatonhia); the Huron text contains no such notion.
