The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54724   Message #848499
Posted By: Big Mick
16-Dec-02 - 07:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Art is very sorry.'I was wrong'!
Subject: RE: BS: Art is ver sorry.'I was wrong'!'re killing me.........I haven't even read the freakin' thing and I know it is fine. Hell, Frank and 'spaw said so.

I will read it next, but I have to tell you, it is OK to get cranky once in a while.....shit, I do it all the time..........LOL. It's what makes this place a real joint instead of a bunch of nameless, faceless folks that need a life and get their jollies by anon sniping. You on the other hand are a walking, talking testament to our craft. Grab yourself a coke and some cookies, and go enjoy the well deserved understanding and adulation from us mere mortals. Hell, we love ya.

All the best,
