The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54651   Message #848767
Posted By: MikeofNorthumbria
17-Dec-02 - 07:07 AM
Thread Name: Are rhymes necessary?
Subject: RE: Are rhymes necessary?
Poems Propelled by alliteration
Rather than Rolling Round with Rhymes
Seduced our Sires in Saxon Shires -
Some Still Survive into our times.

Consider, for example, Dylan's "Hard Rain". It has only one (repeated)rhyming couplet, and that's borrowed from the traditional ballad "Lord Randal". But it's loaded with potent alliterative lines like:

"I've walked and I've Crawled along six Crooked highways"

"I've Stumbled on the Sides of twelve Misty Mountains"

"I saw Ten thousand Talkers whose Tongues were all broken"

"I'll Stand on the ocean untill I Start Sinking"

And so on ...

I wish more poets and songwriters would explore the uses of alliteration.

Sorry I can't answer your question about ryhming in French, Greg.
But then, the French have always tended to "gang their ain gait", haven't they?
