The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54757   Message #848859
Posted By: Charley Noble
17-Dec-02 - 09:33 AM
Thread Name: Swiss Yacht Sweeps Cup Semi-finals
Subject: Swiss Yacht Sweeps Cup Semi-finals
There may be a song here! Now I'm not sure how many Mudcatters follow the thrilling America's Cup yacht racing trials now taking place in Auckland, New Zealand, but recent stories buried in the sports pages of my local newspaper have begun to pique my interest. A Swiss yacht, the Alinghi, has now swept the semi-final series 4:0 in the best-of-seven match with San Francisco's Oracle.

Now, let's see, how could the Swiss have accomplished this? In fact where is hell do they practice ocean yacht racing in Switzerland? Did the crew of the Alinghi swim alongside the Oracle in the dark of night and drill holes below her lines with their notorious army knives? Did cheese play a role in this victory, or was it chocolate? Inquiring minds want to know, the rest of the story...

Charley Noble, who last set sail in 1965