The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54615   Message #848992
Posted By: Dave Bryant
17-Dec-02 - 12:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: No Smoking-2years on
Subject: RE: No Smoking-2years on
Congratulations Nutty. I never really got into the smoking habit and kicked it easily at 16 when I realised that I didn't have enough money to smoke and run a motorbike - in hindesight, smoking was probably the safer activity at that age.

I'm sure that you've noticed some positive things in giving up. One of my mates reckoned that the reason he put on weight was that food tasted so much better after he'd quit. Another friend became much more fussy about which beers he drank - because "they didn't all taste the same anymore". Then of course it must be an improvement not to smell like an old bonfire all the time.