The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54615   Message #849027
Posted By: nutty
17-Dec-02 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: No Smoking-2years on
Subject: RE: No Smoking-2years on
go for it Daylia ......become a mudcat member and start a thread of your own ....... this commits you to stating your intentions and lets people directly support you.

Use the thread to verbalise your feelings ......I posted more when I was feeling bad than when I was feeling good.

I used Mudcat to help me break the smoking habit ....... Coming on the computer at times when I would normally sit down and have a cigarette ....OK - I got hooked on Mudcat but that didn't seem a bad thing.

Use the Personal messages and Mudchat (you can use the chat site when you become a member) to communicate directly with your supporters and please count me as one.

Prepare yourself .....get angry ...... find something that you want but can't afford ( my aim was to have two dogs. When I got the second I then couldn't afford to start smoking again)

Most of all good luck and remember are doing this for yourself not for anyone else and if you weaken it's no great problem just try again.