The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54781   Message #849324
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
17-Dec-02 - 08:23 PM
Thread Name: PEL: Mummers stopped Cerne Abbas
Subject: RE: PEL: Mummers stopped Cerne Abbas
The Royal Oak always was a bit snobbish about people performing there... never liked the bellringers doing handbell carols either!

I suspect most dancers will be safe on Boxing Day... after all, whoever heard of a council worker working over Christmas (I know, don't get out your prams, I can say it, I was a council worker for 12 years in total, 4 of those with the very same Dorset County council)?

Puts the old adage of 'no such thing as bad publicity' out of the window though.... if they hadn't advertised in the local paper, the inspector might not have had the idea of going to look for them. To sting them in one pub is bad enough, but to follow them down the road (and it is, literally, 500 yards down one of only 3 roads in Cerne village) to the other and sting them there too, is sheer, petty minded, beaurocratic vindictiveness.