The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54548   Message #849481
Posted By: GUEST,3:26
18-Dec-02 - 04:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hypnotism
Subject: RE: BS: Hypnotism
Thank-you Gerald and Abby,
Had I been given sodium pentathol (I know it must be hard to get hold of, but these guys would have access to anything) and if it was by injection, I could be told not to notice it "must be a gnat bite ".Sure it would be easier just to hit me with a baseball bat, but that would raise too many questions, better if I'm in a crowded pub, a fight breaks out, my nose gets broken and rammed into my brain,(the most common cause of accidental death) anyone in the know would have been told "he deserves a good hiding for what he did" and later "it wasn't meant to go that far"
My previous good character and reputation has been eroded carefully over time and I don't think anyone will have any sympathy.Everyone's too busy these days to even think something odd about what "happened".

To repeat two "odd" things I remember,
1) The party atmosphere went from normal hubbub to immediate silence and the host saying "Oh it's suddenly gone quiet" these things do happen but I remember it quite distinctly as being odd.
2) The woman concerned in the original situation just walked up to the group I was with and immediately started talking, no introduction, no "hi who are you" no nothing, even tho' I'd never met her before and almost mid sentence, as if she had been part of the conversation from the begining. I suppose people do just walk up to strangers and start talking at parties, but they usually say "Hello I'm so and so"
I will see the psych. and ask to see a hypnotherapist, but I'm also going to make copies of my fears and leave them with true friends.
Gerald Abby and Raedwulf, you have been most helpful, thankyou all.