The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54719   Message #850206
Posted By: Catarina
19-Dec-02 - 06:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Your Favorite Authors
Subject: RE: BS: Your Favorite Authors
Now, let me see...
Eça de Queirós (magnificent author!)
Álvaro Guerra (less magnificent, but still great!)
José Saramago (even with the Nobel and everything, I only love some of his books)
And that's for "home" authors. Now for foreign guys in no particular order, since I'm a carnivorous reader:
Oscar Wilde
W.Somerset Maugham
Lewis Carroll
Rudyard Kipling
P G Wodehouse (I've always wanted to have my own Jeeves!)
Jane Austen
Emily, Charlotte and Anne Bronte
W. M. Thackeray
Frances Burnett
E. Nesbit
Mark Twain
Ursula K LeGuin
Anne McCaffrey
Laura Argiri (only one book, but what a book!)
Patricia Nell Warren
Madame de Ségur (I cried a lot, as a little girl, over Sophie's misforntunes)
Margueritte Yourcenar
Simone de Beauvoir
Jean Genet (some of it, at least...)
Alexandre Dumas (father)
Elio Vittorini
Cesare Zavattini
Luigi Pirandello
Primo Levi
Vasco Pratollini
Leon Tolstoi
Boris Pasternak
Thomas Mann
... God, I do read a lot, should slow down a bit, hum?