The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54826   Message #850635
Posted By: GUEST
19-Dec-02 - 03:43 PM
Thread Name: The great Muslim round up
Subject: RE: The great Muslim round up
Amos and others:

Here is the website for the Arab American Institute (a middle of the road organization):

The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (pro-Palestinian):

And this is a website listing contacts for an array of national Arab American organizations, including lists by regions, for people to get more information from on doing solidarity work:

Many educators may already be aware of this excellent website, called

They have an excellent national map you can use to click on your area, and a list of human rights groups involved in anti-racism and anti-discrimination work where you live here:

In order to start informing ourselves about the subject, here is a link to an article on the subject of roundups and detentions of Arabs and Muslims in the US from last summer:

Here is a Human Rights Watch article on their report issued this past November 14th, on the 1,700% rise in hate crimes in the US against Arabs, Muslims, and those who "appear to be" same:

Sponsor "teach ins" at your area colleges, and invite Arab American and Muslim speakers/teachers. You can use the Human Rights Watch publication titled "PRESUMPTION OF GUILT: Human Rights Abuses of Post-September 11 Detainees" as a beginning guide, found here:

Contact peace and justice organizations in your area to organize a day of solidarity and action to stop the repression against Arabs, Muslims, and people who "appear to be" same--go to the Refuse and Resist website here for some ideas on how to do that:

That should get us going, eh?