The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54860   Message #851285
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
20-Dec-02 - 02:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Lott, Reagan & GOP Racism'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Lott, Reagan & GOP Racism'
Hardly, I wasn't objecting to the republican party I was objecting to statements like this.

"ok mick. But even if your point was granted, at what point does the cycle end? Gore's Buddist temple shennanigans DIDN'T matter, as it turns out, BUT LOTT'S GAFF DID as it turns out (nothin' happened to Gore -- he paid no price for his illegal activity, but Lott paid the price -- and his "activity" wasn't even illegal, even if you do interpret it as distasteful)"

Lott's activities were much worse than distasteful. Perhaps Gore did something wrong perhaps not. But that has NOTHING to do with Lott supporting segregation. He made a grave error. One which cannot be supported. He can be forgiven but he has shown that he is unfit to lead the Republican Senate both for his support of racism and his lack of political skill. The cycle ends with Lott. Trying to cloud the issue by attacking others is giving him tacit support. Supporting him in this is supporting racism. No party can survive which openly supports racism. The leaders of the Republican party, including GW Bush, apparantly realized this. That is why Lott has been forced to step down.