The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11352   Message #85146
Posted By: Peter T.
09-Jun-99 - 08:59 AM
Thread Name: Historical gay/lesbian/bisexual songs?
Subject: RE: Historical gay/lesbian/bisexual songs?
well, maybe lyrically screaming. What interests me about Shakespeare's bisexuality was the way he latched on to the possibilities of the "boy actors playing girls" theme and does hundreds of variations on them. In Twelfth Night, for example, you have a boy actor playing a woman, disguised as a man, being chased by a boy actor playing a woman believing that the man she (he) is chasing is a woman, when he(she) is really a man (woman) (man)!!!
Keats referrred to Shakespeare's ability to empathise with different forms of life (and lifestyle) from his own as "negative capability". I suspect his bisexuality had a lot to do with it. Yours, Peter T.