The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54920   Message #852112
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
22-Dec-02 - 07:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Other fantasy writers
Subject: BS: Other fantasy writers
Seeing as I started the Two Towers thread I thought I would see what other fantasy writers people were into. For my two penn'urth from the east of the pond, David Gemmil and from t'other side Bob Salvatore. I am currently reading the first of the latest Drizt trilogy - The 1000 Orcs.

I think both writers are brilliant with plots and storylines far more complex than JRRT. The characterisations and developments are also much deeper but I do find that both rely rather heavily on the 'Flawed Hero' principle and very dark dramatisation - often bordering on horror. Nothing wrong with that I must add. Just conversation points;-)

Although I must add that I belive Tolkien is still master of invention - how many other put as much work into creating whole new langauges, cultures and geographies? He also manages to keep religion and Gods out of his works which few others have suceeded in. Still - I would like this thread to stay away from Mr T himself except for comparative purposes.

Other current fantasy writers I enjoy are Eddings, Brookes and, of course, Pratchett. Writers in the same Genre of old I have read are Haggard, Peake and Lewis.

Anyone want to add? Rant and Rave? Tell me this is not folk;-)


Dave the Gnome