The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54920   Message #852130
Posted By: Maryrrf
22-Dec-02 - 08:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Other fantasy writers
Subject: RE: BS: Other fantasy writers
Robert Jordan has to be one of the best (second to Tolkein, of course) for his "Wheel of Time" series. Unfortunately the series got so complicated and convoluted (and you have to wait a year or so between each new installment) that I finally lost track of things and so haven't read his last two - because I'd have to go back and review the other five volumes in order to understand the story line. I think he should have wrapped things up somewhere around Book Five. I remember once I was reading by myself at home, totally engrossed in the story. There are some very scary characters in the series called "Trollocks" which are half man half beast. Suddenly there came a loud knock on my door and a nearly jumped out of my skin - my first panicky thought was that it was a trollock! That's how well he pulls you into this fantasy world he's invented. Great stuff, I highly recommend his books!