The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54920   Message #852267
Posted By: Cluin
22-Dec-02 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Other fantasy writers
Subject: RE: BS: Other fantasy writers
If you liked, Flint's books, Geoff, try Gregory Frost's works along the same lines: "Tain" and "Remscéla".

I've read so much SF & Fantasy, both good and abominable (hey, how do you know the good with something to compare it to?), that it sometimes seems to blur together. Have to give a bow to the early writers of the fantasy field: Dunsany, Tolkien, Lewis, etc.

Some standouts, though:

Orson Scott Card's "Alvin Maker" series
John Myers Myers for "Silverlock" and "The Moon's Fire-Eating Daughter" (NOT a sequel to "Silverlock" though it was billed that way on the cover)
Alfred Bester's "The Stars My Destination" (still the best sci-fi novel I ever read)
Isaac Asimov's "Foundation" series (a close second)
Jostein Gaarder's "Sophie's World" (Yeah, I'd call it fantasy)
Charles DeLint for "Moonheart" and the Tamson House stuff set around Ottawa (mainly because I like the setting), but I'm not thrilled with his "Newford" stories, which all seem to be getting a bit too saccharine and monotonous; he's a fine imitator of Stephen King's character development, but, like King, his plot development is not the best (actually it is King's polt resolution that isn't so good). They both tell a good story though...

Plus a couple of surprising treasures:
Michael Shea's "Nifft the Lean" stories (dark, fast and cool!)
and Sterling Lanier's "Hiero" novels, the most readable, "ripping yarn"-style stuff on a post-apocalyptic Earth I've read.