The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4423   Message #852334
22-Dec-02 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: Can anyone learn to sing
Subject: RE: Can anyone learn to sing
Can anyone learn to sing? Of course you can,not saying how good you'll be. Like everything else we practice you improve as you go along. you sound like me,I memories songs pretty quickly and sing everyday usually its only my 2 dogs that put up with my singing. Still I love singing have always thought about going for lessons. Anyway I've sang in many public places ie: cafes takeaway food places parties and karaoke. I sang a meatloaf song this night and was told I'm a great entertainer but I would have to practice my singing. Of course that was a few years ago. They reckon my entertainment has improved{my singing}!!! well its not much different still it never stops me at least I'm out there having fun and expressing myself. Much more fun than sitting with your mouth shut silently wishing you could sing out loud....Go on,be like me'Live a daring life" JUST KEEP SINGING .. GOOD LUCK. I.d also like to add I have never drank alcohol so all my singing comes from my heart.