The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11453   Message #85247
Posted By: annamill
09-Jun-99 - 03:06 PM
Thread Name: favorite superstitions
Subject: RE: favorite superstitions

I'm not a very superstitious person at all. I do however, believe strongly in karma.

(I know, karma...dogma) When I see someone who is always having bad luck or people treat badly, I also notice that many, many times that person is not very nice. will not go out of their way to do something nice, in fact, will go out of their way not to do something nice.

Which came first, the meanness or the bad luck, I don't know. I do know that with a change in attitude a person can change their life.

I guess this is a sort of superstition. If you put out good, you get good back. If you put out bad, you get bad back.

If I was to have a religion, I think this would be it. I don't mean Buddism, either. Just Karma.
