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Thread #54805   Message #852540
Posted By: GUEST,Impeach Bush
23-Dec-02 - 11:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: USA PATRIOT Act (Part 2)
Subject: RE: BS: USA PATRIOT Act (Part 2)
The first thing U.S. soldiers did in Afghanistan after the conquest was to assist the U.N. in distributing poppy seeds. Record crop of poppies and heroin on the streets this year because the Bush Cocaine Cartel expanded into opium.

In North Korea, the farmers are allowed to grow nothing BUT poppies, while GWBush gives them nuclear reactor parts (oh yes...Bush just sold them two more reactors, even though he says they're 'evil'). And the farmers are starving. Resorting to cannibalism or going north over the border to China. Because of business arrangements with the U.N. and the Bush Drug Cartel.

Drugs have been made a lucrative business for local law enforcement in the U.S. Asset, Seizure, Forfeiture. If a crime involves drugs, the arresting jurisdiction receives ten percent of the assets of the individual arrested. That's why our prisons are full of drug offenders. And now the media (fourth branch of the fascist government) is linking guns to drugs. Soon, any gun crime will result in forfeiture of property.

Also, the media is brainwashing children to think of guns as evil in and of themselves. Guns = terrorists. Drugs = guns. Drugs = terrorists = guns. CNN is staffed by Army psychological operations personnel. This stuff is all carefully-crafted and aimed at people who will be voting in ten years.

And the INS is teaching immigrants that the Second Amendment to the constitution (the right to bear arms) has certain restrictions. It is the only Amendment in the Bill of Rights with an asterisk by it in the INS educational manual. The asterisk says 'subject to certain conditins' basically. Which is hogwash.

Kids are being presented with a simplistic idea of evil (guns/drugs/terrorism), and oddly enough, those are the three businesses the Bushes are involved in. Plus oil, which would be the 'evil polluter' part of the personality, I guess. It's odd that kids are being taught to publicly revile the things the Bushes make money off of, and the Bushes are in power. 180 degree deception. I'm continually amazed the monsters get away with it, and it MUST have something to do with the psy ops people in television. Mass hypnosis?