The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54920   Message #852713
Posted By: Poddy
23-Dec-02 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Other fantasy writers
Subject: RE: BS: Other fantasy writers
Robert Jordan, although I haven't finished the Wheel of Time series kinda bogged down after book 7 and am taking a break.

Mercedes Lackey. A lot of critics say she's repetitive, redundant and other words beginning with "r", but I love her anyway. She just tells a good story.

Orson Scott Card, although my favorite of his books are more sci-fi than fantasy, the Alvin book are good too. And Wyrms.

Margaret Weiss and Tracey Hickman for the first trilogy of DragonLance.

Elizabeth Ann Scarborough, especially for the Godmother series.

Wisechild, I don't know who the author is, but it's a beautiful story.

Neil Gaiman, Neverworld.

I'm leaving Tolkien off the list because although I loved the Hobbit and enjoyed the Fellowship, I haven't read any of the rest. Must withhold judgement.

I'm sure my list will be extended.