The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54909   Message #853331
Posted By: mg
24-Dec-02 - 07:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: What IS a conservative?
Subject: RE: BS: What IS a conservative?
Here's what I believe in: yes to safe, decent public housing, yes to public transportation, yes to decent medical care for those who can't afford it, through a public health system, not through a total restructuring of what works fairly well for some, yes to strong military, yes to strong police presence, combined with strong community officers for prevention, yes to fairly high taxes to pay for this, with low income paying much less than they do now, and some limits for upper income, and closing of all sorts of idiot loopholes, qualified yes to education..yes to good education, no to some of the idiocy that exists now..we are not using education dollars totally wisely..yes to controls on people's behavior...strong encouragement of marriage and responsible, planned parenthood, strong discouragement of promiscuity, reproduction out of a strong, safe marriage, strong discouragement of any activity that causes taxpayers or general public any expense, inconvenience or danger. No to public funding of obscene "art". Let them pay for it themselves. No to tolerating vandalism, graffiti etc. on public or private property. Criminal justice: swift and sure and proportional to the crime consequences. Try to keep them out of jail and in some sort of contractual system if they are non-violent. Food stamps: mostly for real food, unprocessed. Oats, meat, fruit, vegetables, milk etc. A small percentage for "treats" or processed foods. Yes to help for farmers who grow real food, not tobacco. Yes to hemp farming. More hatchery fish for food. They can breed them smaller or whatever so they don't compete with wild stocks. Yes to government surplus and government canneries for canning or preserving surplus foods. Basic yes to free market system, with controls on people who want to use it for criminal or exploitive purposes. Yes to inspections of factories etc. with protections for workers, including overseas for imports. Strong safety net for those who can not work. For those who could work but don't have work, same safety net, but expectations that they will (a) not make things worse by antisocial behaviors, and (b) training as first line of defense, second line of defense, work programs, yes, cleaning toilets in state buildings, raking leaves, painting schools etc. Gun control: qualified yes. General, law-abiding citizens, trained in safe usage, with guns are a great protection force. Abortion: qualified no. Certainly no for those under-age without parental advising, with protections in place in case of possible abuse. No setting up housekeeping for teens with babies. They need to be in supervised situations, perhaps group homes. We need to really really look at the foster care situation also. Anyway, that is it. I think I am sort of middle of the road...hard-ass liberal as opposed to compassionate conservative.