The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54860   Message #853401
Posted By: Greg F.
24-Dec-02 - 10:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Lott, Reagan & GOP Racism'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Lott, Reagan & GOP Racism'
I hardly know where to begin. First, please show us where the statement was made that the war was fought "entirely about Black freedom" or where an attempt was made to "canonize the North". Best take a few deep breaths.

You rail against simple explanations for complex problems & at the same time make statements like "How can a war be fought just over slavery when slave-owning states fought on both sides?" Hello??

Statements like "the North refused to recognize them [Blacks] as citizens" are plainly untrue- Blacks could vote, own property, serve on juries, attend school, etc.

A real good example of an overly simplistic approach is maintaining that the entire North knuckled under to the slaveowner-dominated supreme court decisions in the Dred Scott, Prigg v. PA, & similar cases, when in fact they generated mass meetings, outrage, and wholesale non-compliance. It also ignores the minority opinions in all of these cases which maintained, among other things, that Blacks WERE citizens.

Again, adhering to fact rather than fantasy and wishful thinking is not "demonizing the South". A greater disservice is done to the South and the nation as a whole by those who perpetuate misinformation.