The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55005   Message #853516
Posted By: ballpienhammer
25-Dec-02 - 07:53 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Song?: Don't give no more killing guns
Subject: Lyr Add: Song?
Open the presents one by one,
Little Johnny's got a little toy gun,
Johnny, Johnny, put that down,
You don't know, you're army bound.
Mama, oh mama, take it away,
Johnny will grow to kill some day.
Mothers and you Fathers, give common toys,
Not killing toys to little boys.
They'll grow to hurt, grow to maim.
Give them things to play in peace,
And maybe some day all wars will cease.
Take this to the world so wide,
No more wars and genocide.
Give only gifts of love,of joy, of fun...
Don't give no more killing guns.
Pleas don't give no more killing guns.