The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51103   Message #853525
Posted By: hesperis
25-Dec-02 - 08:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Making Dreams Come True? --Hesperis
Subject: RE: BS: Making Dreams Come True? --Hesperis
It's a white Christmas! The streetcars' rumble is quieter than usual. The new boyfriend invited me to a lot of his family events, and I've been totally stuffing myself on fantastic food. Then I woke up hungry at 7 am this morning! Couldn't believe it.

I didn't do much for the Solstice, just recognized that the light had returned, which really seems to be reflecting in my life right now. I got my cheque from welfare for January already! So I don't have to worry about that for a whole month. ;)

I still want to start the business, but am not sure if welfare will *allow* me to start it. If I get a subsidy I can start it and will probably be able to cover the expenses of the business itself, otherwise I'll be out of money in less than a month... kinda can't start a business with cashflow like that.

The bf says I need more "real" work experience to start a business... but my gut instinct is to be self-employed and eventually employ others. Although he has started a business in the past, he prefers the security of a paycheck, I prefer the security of knowing where I stand. I also make a much better boss than employee!

The other option is going back to school, but for that, anything that I'm interested in is either full already for January or at a private school. If the osap loan won't even cover tuition... there won't be anything left to live on, which is why I didn't go to that school in October...!

The bf is really sweet. He loves computers and has an artistic eye, so that's perfect. I kinda like someone else too, but the other someone isn't in the country, so the bf doesn't really have much competition, I guess. >;)

Here's hoping that you are having a wonderful Christmas too.

Love and hugs!