The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11453   Message #85379
Posted By: bbelle
09-Jun-99 - 10:00 PM
Thread Name: favorite superstitions
Subject: RE: favorite superstitions
Superstitutions are part of one's history. I always leave out of the same door I entered; according to Mother it was bad luck not to do so. I am very cautious on 13th Fridays and lick my finger and put a cross on windshield if a black cat crosses in front of my car.

I absolutely believe in protecting one's karma. If someone does me a good deed, I turn around and perform the same good deed for someone else. For years, I've been letting people ahead of me in the grocery line if they had just one or two items, with the hope that someone would do the same for me. I'm still waiting ... As one who believes everything in life happens for a reason ... protecting my karma is very, very important ... moonchild