The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43124   Message #855156
Posted By: Declan
30-Dec-02 - 06:16 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Seven Drunken Nights
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Seven Drunken Nights
Johnny Moynihan wrote a great parody of this song called The Other Night Drunk. I don't have the exact words, but its something like this :

As I came home the other night, I was drunk as drunk could be,
I saw a fair maid on the bed where my ould wife should be,
Well I took off my overcoat and I rubbed my hand with glee,
She jumped out of bed, and screamed and said "You live at number 3"

Ah you're drunk you're drunk you're Micky Monk,
Your nose is turning blue,
for I'm your neighbours daughter,
and I'm not for the likes of you

I came back again the very next night,
I was sober as a judge,
I climbed into bed beside her and I gave to her a nudge,
I said   (move over there me love ??), your skin is like a peach,
When a well known head looked from the bed and this to me did screech :

You've been living here this thirty years,
And you still don't know the score.
Or are you dreaming of the neighbours girl,
Who lives at number four.