The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28801   Message #856928
Posted By: Susanne (skw)
01-Jan-03 - 08:18 PM
Thread Name: Origins: The Soldier (Harvey Andrews)
Subject: RE: Help: Harvey Andrews' 'The Soldier'
I'd second Fran's suggestion. Another fairly new studio CD with some strong songs (particularly It's A Wonderful Day, Leaving Home, The Centurion) and fairly restrained musical backing is The Journey. However, I'd also second the feeling that studio recordings just can't convey Harvey's stage presence. If it's available on CD, find 'Brand New Day', a 1980 live recording in front of a home audience. Live recordings tend to pall fairly soon, but I've had this one for 20 years and can still laugh out loud at his patter! Looking forward to his tour of Germany later this year. I've timed my annual holiday so I'll catch him the night before I start.