The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55055   Message #857104
Posted By: Ireland
02-Jan-03 - 06:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: US torture
Subject: RE: BS: US torture
Whose lack of principles, the terrorists, their supporters, the people who stand back and allow it to happen?

Far too simplistic, Al Qaeda were not elected, so who are they accountable to? governments are elected and are accountable for their actions, it is easier to vote people out of office than get rid of any terrorist who decides to run your country.

All very fine and humanitarian but not one practical solution as how to combat the threat of Bin Laden.

Noriaga had what could be torture techniques used on him, methods described in the first post,US in Bagram using torture and the sleep deprivation and psychops.

Would people prefer the alternative method of arresting Noriaga, that is sending in a person who has volunteered to protect and serve his country with the real possibility of getting killed?

My opinion is this if any method to prevent the loss of life of those who choose to serve their country it is used it is fine by me. Why? I'm not the one with the prospect of getting injured or killed and at least they are doing something other than moralising.

I do not agree with the electrodes to the genitals type torture, sleep deprivation,white noise etc is a walk in the field compared to being caught up in a fire fight or in battle field conditions.

We need to define what is torture in it's true sense and how valuable it is to saving lives on all sides of the equation especially those of our own armed forces, and take into account they did not ask Bin Laden to organise the flying of aeroplanes into buildings. But have the burden of defending their country with what looks like one hand behind their back.

And if it happens again who will get the blame? The very same people who are being criticised now for using modern interrorgation techniques.