The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55194   Message #857353
Posted By: GUEST
02-Jan-03 - 03:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: How do you drive without getting tired?
Subject: RE: BS: How do you drive without getting tired?
Agreed on all of the above, but as was mentioned on another thread recently, Bob Marley and genre has an amazing capacity to make a long drive pass quickly. Time warp stuff. Could calm the anxiety that leads to tired. (But it's true, once the fatigue is there, fighting it can delay some, but its IS like driving drunk - Many local laws, I believe, count it as "impaired.")

(The driver's side indicator sounds like a regional custom. If someone did that to me when I wanted to pass, I would think they were just trying to piss me off. I turn the head (and tail) ights off and on once.)