The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55223   Message #857915
Posted By: GUEST,Claire
03-Jan-03 - 03:10 PM
Thread Name: Using a music stand
Subject: RE: Using a music stand
I have to admit to having a very strong preference for No Stand, both when I perform and when I watch a performer.   I feel that I do not "have" the song, or truly understand the song, until I know all the words. This is really important to me, so I typically sing a song many many times til I bring it "out" and then I will sing it for someone I know - and by golly the words are still rough off the tongue. Then I practice more.

If I mess up the words, both I and my audiences seem to be pretty forgiving. But, I take percautions by being well prepared and singing through every song for a gig within 24 hours of doing the gig - even for songs I have sung hundreds of times. That said, I have a book with all my songs, and if someone desparately wants one that I am unsure of, then I will use the book for cues. The type is small, 10 pt, and I will also use it (rarely) to remind myself of the lyrics, before I sing a song on my own.

I also memorize my songs in the car - as a carpooling mom - that is often my only free time.

A word to bbc. Try practicing only one song until you are truly comfortable with it. Then take only that song to the song session. I don't think you will need your music stand.

One more thing. If you are singing with a band, you have the added responsibility of communicating through body language with the band. That is almost impossible if you have your head stuck to the page.

For those of you using stands.... more power to you, for even getting out there and singing or playing in the first place. It is just not my cup of tea.
