The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55060   Message #858181
Posted By: Alice
03-Jan-03 - 09:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Here come the 'Raelian' clones
Subject: RE: BS: Here come the 'Raelian' clones
An quote from an article at the link I gave previously regarding the Washington Times, owned my the Moonies (who also purchased United Press International).

"On Tuesday, May 21st 2002, controversial religious figurehead, alleged cult leader and
                                    self-proclaimed Messiah Sun Myung Moon, is to sponsoring a banquet celebrating the newspaper's
                                    20th anniversary. A substantial list of host Senators, Representatives and other politicians think they
                                    are supporting just a conservative newspaper, but are unwittingly endorsing the Moon agenda. Mr.
                                    Moon has used the newspaper along with U.P.I. to develop his power base for his ambitions–to
                                    establish an "automatic theocracy" in which he runs the world. Despite a politically conservative
                                    pro-family slant, the Times has also been the paper of choice for several Christian groups who are
                                    apparently unaware of Moon's true theology.

                                    "The public thinks that the Moonies have gone away. They haven't. They have been quite busy in
                                    recent years, focusing their recruitment efforts to politicians, business people and even Christian
                                    clergy," says Steven Hassan, former Moonie, author, licensed counselor and mind control expert.
                                    "They are still deceptive and quite dangerous," Hassan says, "Back in 1974-1976, Moon talked
                                    about setting up a global infrastructure so that when the world economy faltered, we would be there
                                    to feed people and give them jobs."

                                    Moon's stated ambitions include the establishment of a one-world government run as an automatic
                                    theocracy by Moon and his leaders. "Bush's faith-based initiative seems to be ideal to help them in
                                    their quest for a one world theocratic government," Hassan says, "I am sure President Bush is not
                                    aware that Moon has repeatedly said that America (and democracy) is Satanic." Moon's vision of the
                                    Kingdom of Heaven on Earth includes the absorption of all the world religions into Unificationism as
                                    well as the abolishment of all languages except Korean. Core Moonie members do a ritual pledge
                                    service every Sunday morning, bowing before an altar with Moon's picture on it and promising to
                                    fight for the Fatherland (Korea)..."