The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55194   Message #858183
Posted By: GUEST,Lepus Rex, cookieless
03-Jan-03 - 09:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: How do you drive without getting tired?
Subject: RE: BS: How do you drive without getting tired?
I drink a lot of Mountain Dew, and listen to fast, loud music. Can't listen to books on tape, or radio with people talking, as that puts me to sleep, no matter how interesting the subject. The farthest I've gone without stopping for rest was from east-central Minnesota to Nashville, which was about 950 miles. I could have made it to Atlanta, but there was freezing rain, and the locals didn't seem to know how to deal with that.

I agree that cruise control can be a bad thing. One of the things that has kept me awake on several long drives was that I had no cruise control, and my legs were a little too long to push the gas pedal without twisting my foot sideways. After a few hundred miles in that position, the pain sort of kept me awake.

Petr, your brick wall joke reminds me of when I first started driving. I would regularly drive home from work (20 miles) when I was much too tired, and I'd often fall asleep about 3/4th of the way home. Several times, I woke up to find a garage illuminated in my headlights. After screaming and throwing my hands up to shield my face, I'd realise that I was in my driveway, with my foot on the brake. No idea how I drove home in my sleep all those times...
I never did actually crash, though, and I'm lucky I never killed anyone. Stupid.

---Lepus Rex