The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55223   Message #858224
Posted By: bbc
03-Jan-03 - 11:20 PM
Thread Name: Using a music stand
Subject: RE: Using a music stand
Thanks to those of you who offered encouraging words. I didn't write just for myself, but also because I hadn't seen that position expressed. I doubt I'm the only one who feels that way. I know one reason I haven't played in song circles in the past is that I had the strong impression that folks *would* be intolerant of me using a stand. I guess the basic question is what is the higher value--no stand or someone performing? Real life isn't perfect; we may not get both. I am speaking mostly of amateur performers like myself, however, not folks you've paid to see. For the record, I have absolutely no problem w/ the performers I've seen using stands; I thought they were great!

