The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55190   Message #858264
Posted By: Jimmy C
04-Jan-03 - 01:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Protestant State!
Subject: RE: BS: Protestant State!
Keith, I can see your point about the soldiers of course. However the difference is that they did not act with the full knowledge and support of the central government, the way the soldiers in N.Ireland did. Things happened in South Armagh that could be construed as bordering on war crimes. As far as reforms are concerned there have been no such things as reforms for catholics in N.Ireland. As far as the loyalists are concerned they are called concessions. Not rights. concessions, therein lies a big part of the problem. Equal opportunity for employment is seen as a concession.   Every change to the status quo no matter how minor or major is seen as giving in to catholics. When these bigots shout "Not an inch" they really mean it. What a sad unhappy people they>

Ireland, I am not bigoted against protestants, I am anti-unionists, I am pro-catholic, I am pro - Irish and Pro -Civil Rights for all. I have protestant aunts and a protestant son-in-law( from Belfast) and soon will have a protestant grandchild. You may notice in one of my earlier replies that I mentioned working class protestants being sold a bill of goods, being equally duped by unionism and the orange order, my sympathies are with them as well. So just keep shouting your mouth off, you are helping me win the argument. All we ever wanted was equal treatment and it has been denied to a large portion of the population for too long, and the government in Westminster stood by and did nothing about it. That is a fact. The same government that would shout louder than most if this situation existed anywhere else in the world. they stood by, said nothing and did nothing, all for a few measly unionists votes. Again, here we are talking (arguing) about something political and you bring up the catholic church, that is another part of the problem, what has the church got to do with the behaviour of soldiers, some of whom I am sure were catholics themselves.. A lot of these soldiers joined the army looking for action and excitement, well they got it and some got more than they bargained for.

And one more thing, please get yourself a thesaurus, I am sure you will be able to find alternate words for mope.