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Thread #55111   Message #858577
Posted By: GUEST
04-Jan-03 - 01:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's Opium War
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Opium War
Not fear and not bravado. Panic is what you are probably picking up on. Time is short. 3 one-million bed concentration camps have just been finished...just in time for the invasion of Iraq and the consequential release of bioweapons in the U.S. And meanwhile, public schools are securing entryways so, in the event of another Columbine, the panic button will lock every door. The next time there is a Columbine, hundreds will probably die, and people will be told by the media there is no answer except to give up our guns. In violation of the Second Amendment. And Americans have become so ignorant and corrupt and comfortable, no one will squawk much about giving up their neighbor's guns.

So yeah, there's a bit of panic involved. See, since Sept. 11 I've studied enough to learn that my Democratic Party affiliation was leading to my own destruction. Watch one of the wildlife shows...the Crock guy, one of those. Everything is 'endangered' and 'protected'. Kids are being taught that humans are bad and need to be herded up and placed in compact cities. Meanwhile, the Sierra Club becomes the largest non-governmental land owner in the U.S. And in Austin (my area), the city council grabs land for 'protection', then some new 'findings' come out and the protected land suddenly has a shopping mall on it. My point is, the Democratic Party has been co-opted by the land-grabbers. And Democrats aren't even aware of it. Just like gun-rights people aren't aware the NRA and GWBush are working to deprive us of our right to bear arms.

So when everyone at the national level is violating his or her oath to protect, serve and defend the Constitution, what are you going to do?

You speak out.

And I seem to have the advantage over a lot of you, because once you realize the truth about how you have been manipulated by your leaders...realize it and ADMIT you've been had...then you never have to feel that shame again. You can begin working to change things. Whereas those of you who KNOW something is wrong (why are the Bushes trying to overthrow the democratically-elected President of Venezuela? Why are the Bushes pushing us into an Iraqi war 75% of Americans are against? Why won't the Bushes allow an investigation of Sept. 11? How did they 'find' 90 million half-century-old doses of Smallpox vaccine in France? If we are at war, why are the borders wide open? Why did 'smaller government' GWBush Federalize schools with national testing, Federalize churches with 'faith based initiatives', Federalize local police with Homeland Security?), once you admit both sides of the political spectrum are working to enslave and eradicate you through mis-direction and illegal activities, you never have to look for explanations again. Everything becomes clear when you bite the bullet and acknowledge the fact that our puppet government is serving non-American interests intent of destroying America.

While on the other hand, those of you who refuse to accept the obvious, you have to rationalize a hundred times a day. And the media has to keep lying to you to keep those rationalizations in place. Why were the NORAD jets held on the ground 75 minutes Sept. 11? You won't hear discussion of that on the news...they'll feed you to the gills on the 'sniper' attacks. They'll tell you how to stuff a turkey at Thanksgiving. And if they DO mention the NORAD smoking gun, they'll only tell you the general in charge that day was promoted so he can have more control to prevent another Sept. 11, and you'll go back to sleep.

And it seems to be working, by and large, so yeah, there's a bit of panic. You need to wake up.