The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11489   Message #85887
Posted By: Margo
11-Jun-99 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: Gizmo's thread for kids!!
Subject: RE: Gizmo's thread for kids!!
Hi Gizmo! I am another ooooold person (44). I am in Vancouver Washington, way over on the west coast. I am going to be directing a children's choir this summer, ages 11 through 16. We're going to do songs of the sea, and its going to be fun, fun, fun!

Sorry about your kitties. We have a german shepherd who is very large, even for german shepherds. We also have a little kitty with a lot of spunk. The dog (Czar) likes to play with the Kitty (Tasha). But if you didn't know their game, you might be alarmed to see them play. Czar corners Tasha, and at the right moment, he takes her head in his mouth and chews on it! Many a visitor has been alarmed until I say, "Oh, they always do that."

Tell your dad to get another computer and a proxy server. I have no idea what a proxy server is, but my husband is a computer whiz, and he is getting us a proxy server so that we can both go on the internet at the same time, and not have to be on the same page. (Even on the same phone line!) It might be too expenseve for you. I have no idea.

Glad you're here at the Mudcat!
