The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55309   Message #858947
Posted By: Richie
04-Jan-03 - 11:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Any conservatives on Mudcat?
Subject: RE: BS: Any conservatives on Mudcat?

I consider myself to be a consevative on many issues but I am a registered independent. I am a full-time musician and I work hard to make ends meet.

I take issue with the comment about conservatives: "most conservatives I know are good conservators of our resources and environment. Hence, the root "conserve".

I thinks most liberals would diagree with that. The current line of thinking is that conservatives are "not" trying to conserve the natural resources. They are trying to drill for oil in Alaska etc., etc.

I believe that conservate/liberal is a ying/yang type of belief system. Those in power try to hold their power and beliefs, those not in power try to get more power. Many of the beliefs of each change over time and are held by the other.

Conservatives and liberals are defined by their politial agendas not by the words: conservative and liberal.
